In addition to the information on this website, you might find the following government-funded research activities useful.
- Department of Defence Studies and trials - Defence is working closely with industry partners and research institutions to learn more about the nature of PFAS and potential management and remediation options.
- A national health research program - The National Health and Medical Research Council is administering grants for new research into the effects of PFAS exposure in people.
- An epidemiological study - The Australian National University is undertaking an epidemiological study to investigate potential human health effects of PFAS exposure in Williamtown NSW, Oakey Qld and Katherine NT.
- Airservices Australia research program – a research and development program including initiatives aimed at better understanding PFAS behaviour in the environment; establishing screening criteria for ecological, human health and waste management; and developing PFAS removal treatments.
- The Australian Research Council PFAS Remediation Research Program - aims to facilitate the development of innovative technologies to investigate and remediate PFAS contaminated media including soil and other solid contaminated debris, groundwater, waterways and marine systems.
- CSIRO has published work on the need to understand how PFAS chemicals move through soils and leach into the environment, in order to help develop effective methods needed for decontamination.
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