Media centre
Australian Government Announcements
PFAS Taskforce announcement on Australian Government support for PFAS management.
Australian Government media releases and recent announcements about PFAS contamination can be found on relevant Minister's websites:
Media releases from the Department of Health and the Chief Medical Officer can be found on the Department of Health's news page.
Media enquiries
Key government agencies are undertaking a range of activities to support the identification and management of PFAS contamination issues. Media enquiries can be directed to the relevant agency as follows:
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
For enquiries about the PFAS Taskforce; whole-of-government PFAS responses; environmental guidance and legislation; and international obligations:
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
For enquiries about food exports; and guidelines for fresh and marine water quality:
Department of Defence
For enquiries about Defence's PFAS Investigation and Management Program at Defence sites:
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development
For enquiries about the management of potential PFAS contamination at federally-leased airports:
Airservices Australia
For enquiries about PFAS investigations at airports where Airservices has provided aviation rescue and firefighting services:
Department of Health
For enquiries about health based guidance values for PFAS; Expert Health Panel for PFAS; community support including mental health and counselling services; blood testing; health research; and water quality guidelines for drinking and recreational water:
State and territory agencies
For enquiries about domestic agriculture and food safety, contact the agriculture department in the relevant jurisdiction.
For enquiries about managing risks associated with the environment, chemicals and contamination, contact the Environment Protection Authority in the relevant jurisdiction.
For enquiries about site-specific precautionary health advice, contact the Health department in the relevant jurisdiction.